1. An 8 month old baby starts having diarrhea on the last day he is started on
“NIDO” milk. His diarrhea is most probably due to:
a. Defect in intestinal tract
b. Separation from the mother
c. Allergy to milk
d. Unnecessary administration of laxatives
2. Dysentery is manifested by:
a. Frequent diarrhea stools
b. Abdominal paint
c. Stools containing bleed and mucus
d. All of the above
3. Marasmus that occurs during the rapid period of brain growth may result in:
a. Severe undernourishment
b. Physical and Mental retardation
c. Sudden drop in temperature
d. Severe emotional deprivation
4. Which of the following communicable diseases is NOT caused by a virus:
a. Pertusis
b. Poliomyelitis
c. Mumps
d. Measles
5. Which of the following statements about chicken pox is not
a. It could be transmitted by droplet infection
b. It could be transmitted by direct and indirect contact
c. It could lead to encephalitis and nephritis
d. All children in a Susceptible community should receive live varicella
vaccine by year one
6. A years old child with chicken pox comes to you complaining of severe
itching You as a nurse should advise his mother to do all except:
a. Cut his finger nails and keep them clean
b. Give him sedatives
c. Use calamine lotion on vesicles frequently
d. Expose him daily for 6 hrs to sunlight to dry his vesicles
7. The nurse caring for a child who is receiving treatment for acute
streptococcal infection, will have to carry out which of the following
measures to confirm eradication of the microorganism:
a. Urine culture
b. Sputum culture
c. Throat culture
d. CSF suture
8. A cerebral palsy child is apt to have which of the following disabilities:
a. Physical disabilities
b. Mental retardation
c. Vision and hearing defects
d. All of the above
9. Erithroblastosis fetalis occurs when:
a. Both parents are Rh positive
b. Both parents are Rh negative
c. The mother is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative
10. Absence of the surfactant causes:
a. Pneumonia
b. Respiratory distress syndrome
c. Patent ducts arteries
d. Neonatal jaundice
E. Practice Examination Fundamental Nursing
11. In case of an emergency which of the following pulses is MOST commonly
a. Radial
b. Apical
c. Carotid
d. Femoral
12. If the suction tube for tracheostomy or pharyngeal suction has no thumb
a. It Should be thrown
b. It should be resterilized
c. Y connector can be use to connect it
d. Kink it while withdrawing
13. All of the following are principles of restraint except:
a. Bony prominences should be padded before applying restraint
b. Restraint should be removed from time to time
c. Client should be carefully attended when restraints are removed
d. Restraints applied to client in bed or stretcher should be attached to be
side rails only
14. When donning surgical gloves them thumb of the inserted hand should be
held against the falm because:
a. It makes the maneuver easier
b. It is less likely to contaminate the inside of the glove
c. It is likely to contaminate the inside of the glove
d. None of these
15. Nitroglycerine is administered sublingually, This means that the drug is:
a. Given whenever needed
b. Given when the patient asks for it
c. Given by injection at a 45 degree angle to the skin
d. Placed under the patient’s tongue
16. We need extra equipment to the know dressing set when we need to shorten
Penrose drain for the first time:
a. Sterile safety pin, suture scissors and scissors to cut
b. One scissors, extra gauze and cotton sponge
c. Syringe, forceps and suture scissors
d. Antiseptic solution, towel and scissors to cut
17. The most important psychological effect of isolation on patients include all
of the following EXCEPT:
a. Loneliness
b. Relaxation
c. Sensory deprivation
d. Depression
18. A third degree burn patient is admitted to the hospital. What kind of
isolation is applied:
a. Respiratory isolation
b. Enteric precaution
c. Would precaution
d. Reverse isolation
19. When taking temperature all the following are true EXCEPT:
a. Leave the thermometer in place for a time sufficient for the temperature
to register
b. Explain the procedure to the patient before taking his temperature
c. Ensure level of mercury in the glass thermometer above 35 degrees
d. Clean the thermometer with antiseptic solution
20. All the following statements are correct concerning oxygen therapy
a. Oxygen is tasteless, odories
b. Moist oxygen irritates mucous membrane
c. Oxygen supports combustion and explosion
d. Patients, staff and visitors must be warned of risks involved.
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